1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
2. Having hooked, liberate the switch of heating of back glass from the landing nest in the dashboard, disconnect electroconducting.
3. Make sure available conductivity between plugs 1 and 3 of the contact socket of electroconducting from the relay (address to an accompanying illustration). If conductivity is absent, replace a lamp. |
4. By means of wires crossing points connect a positive pole of the battery to the plug No. 2 of the contact socket of the switch, negative to the plug No. 4. Further, through a lamp sampler on 3.4 W connect a positive pole of the battery to the plug No. 6 (address to an accompanying illustration). Include a heater, the control lamp and a lamp sampler should join for 12-18 minutes, then go out. The faulty switch will lie down to replacement. |
5. Disconnect from the switch electroconducting and make check of its socket from a plait (address to an accompanying illustration): a. Between the plug No. 4 and weight conductivity should take place constantly; b. In the positions LOCK and ASS of the ignition key tension between the plug 2 and weight and between the plug 6 and weight should be absent; c. In the provision ON of a key tension between the pairs of plugs stipulated in point (b) should take place; d. To Peremknita among themselves plugs 4 and 6 of the contact socket also make sure of serviceability of functioning of a heating element of a heater of back glass. |
6. The faulty switch is subject to replacement.
7. For check of serviceability of functioning of the relay of a heater (it is located in salon the assembly block of safety locks) make sure of continuous presence of conductivity between assembly plugs 1 and 2 (address to an accompanying illustration). Submit tension between plugs 1 and 2 and make sure available conductivity between plugs 3 and 5. |
8. The faulty relay is subject to replacement. |