1. Pumping of hydraulic system is made for the purpose of removal from it of the air getting to a path at performance of service of brake mechanisms, replacement of hydraulic lines or GTTs, and also when lowering below the minimum admissible value of level of liquid in the tank of the main cylinder. If air got to system owing to falling of level of liquid in the GTTs tank, or at a detachment from GTTs of brake lines, brake mechanisms of all four wheels are subject to pumping. 2. At a detachment of hydraulic lines from any of supports / wheel cylinders will enough pump over only this concrete brake mechanism. 3. If the detachment of the brake line from the union located between GTTs and one of brake mechanisms was made, only this part of a brake contour is pumped over. 4. Several times squeeze out a pedal of a foot brake at the muffled engine for dumping of residual depression in the vacuum amplifier of brakes. 5. Uncover the GTTs tank, necessarily add to the tank fresh liquid, then enclose under a cover polyethylene and screw it into place.
Do not forget to check regularly liquid level in the tank during pumping performance. Excessive falling of level is fraught with hit in air GTTs that will bring to naught all undertaken efforts and will cause need of pumping of all brake system. |
6. Secure with the help of the assistant, prepare a stock of more freshly brake liquid, the transparent vessel which has been partially filled with brake liquid, the piece of a plastic hose which is densely put on the gate of pumping, and suitable рожковый / a cap key for отпускания / gate tightenings. 7. Slightly weaken the gate of pumping of the brake mechanism of the right back wheel, then again tighten it so that it easily and was quickly released during procedure performance.
8. Pull on the gate the suitable plastic or rubber hose which second end lower in transparent vessel partially filled with pure brake liquid (address to an accompanying illustration). The cut of a hose should appear completely shipped in liquid. |
9. Ask the assistant to squeeze out slowly several times a pedal of a foot brake, having lifted thereby pressure in system. 10. At the brake pedal fixed in the bottom situation slightly open the pumping gate so that from it brake liquid started to be forced out. Watch a liquid exit from a hose. Through pair of seconds when the pressure will weaken, close the gate and allow to release to the assistant a pedal. 11. Repeat procedures of the last two paragraphs until free liquid will not start to follow from the gate from air bubbles, then pass to the brake mechanism of the left back wheel. Operating in a similar manner, pump over this mechanism, then mechanisms right back and, at last, right forward wheels.
Constantly watch that liquid level in the GTTs tank did not fall excessively low! |
12. Operating in a similar manner, pump over also LSP & BP valve assembly. 13. At all do not add in the tank old brake liquid, it is hygroscopic in the highest measure and over time absorbs in itself a lot of moisture that conducts to falling of a point of its boiling and, as a result, to decrease in efficiency of braking. Besides, presence at hydraulic system of moisture promotes the accelerated aging of a material of flexible brake hoses. 14. On termination of pumping add in the GTTs tank fresh brake liquid, having brought its level into norm. 15. Check efficiency of functioning of brakes. The pedal when squeezing should show firm resistance, the feeling of softness of its course testifies to existence in hydraulic contours of air and need of repetition of procedure of pumping.
Do not start at all car operation, being not absolutely sure of serviceability of functioning of brake system! |