Toyota Land Cruiser, Amazon, LX470 Lexus + Identification numbers of the car + Governing bodies and receptions of safe operation of the car + Settings and routine maintenance of the car + Engine - Systems of cooling of the engine, salon and air conditioning heating Specifications Antifreeze - general information Check of serviceability of functioning and thermostat replacement Condition check, removal and installation of the fan of system of cooling Removal and installation of a radiator and broad tank of system of cooling Check of a condition of the water pump Removal and installation of the water pump Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the block of the sensor of a measuring instrument of temperature of cooling liquid Check of serviceability of functioning of the driving electromotor of the fan of a heater and its replacement Removal and installation of the block and heater heat exchanger Removal and installation of assembly of the control panel by functioning of a heater and air conditioner Check of serviceability of functioning and service of systems of heating and air conditioning + the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases + engine Electric equipment + Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases + gear shifting Box + Transmission line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment
Removal and installation of the water pump
Details of installation of the water pump of the petrol engine
Details of installation of the water pump of the diesel engine
1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
Empty cooling system (see. Head of Control and routine maintenance of the car). If replacement of cooling liquid was made recently, keep for further use (see the prevention in Razdeleantifriz – general information). 2. Merge cooling liquid. 3. Remove a belt of a drive of GRM and an intermediate roller No. 2 (see. Head Engine). 4. Remove from assembly of the water pump a thermostat casing (see. Section Check of serviceability of functioning and thermostat replacement). 5. On the petrol engine give five bolts, two rack-mount bolts and a nut then separate assembly of the water pump from the engine (address to an illustration above). At installation new laying therefore the removed laying can be thrown out is required. 6. On the diesel engine remove the fan of a radiator and a pulley of the water pump, turn out three bolts and remove an adjusting arm of the generator (address to an illustration above). 7. On the diesel engine give two nuts and disconnect a tube of a supply of OZh to a turbokompressor from the water pump and a perepuskny hose. Then turn out five bolts and remove the water pump together with the prokladny 8. Carefully smooth out interfaced surfaces, then wipe their pure rags moistened in acetone. 9. Establish a new sealing ring on the end of a perepuskny tube and new laying of the water pump. 10. Further installation is made as it should be the return to an order of dismantle of components. Track, that all fixture was tightened with demanded effort. 11. Fill cooling system (see. Head of Control and routine maintenance of the car), start the engine and check it on existence of signs of development of leaks. |