Toyota Land Cruiser 100/Amazon, Lexus LX 470since 1997 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Toyota Land Cruiser, Amazon, LX470 Lexus + Identification numbers of the car + Governing bodies and receptions of safe operation of the car + Settings and routine maintenance of the car + Engine - Systems of cooling of the engine, salon and air conditioning heating Specifications Antifreeze - general information Check of serviceability of functioning and thermostat replacement Condition check, removal and installation of the fan of system of cooling Removal and installation of a radiator and broad tank of system of cooling Check of a condition of the water pump Removal and installation of the water pump Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the block of the sensor of a measuring instrument of temperature of cooling liquid Check of serviceability of functioning of the driving electromotor of the fan of a heater and its replacement Removal and installation of the block and heater heat exchanger Removal and installation of assembly of the control panel by functioning of a heater and air conditioner Check of serviceability of functioning and service of systems of heating and air conditioning + the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases + engine Electric equipment + Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases + gear shifting Box + Transmission line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment |
Antifreeze – general information
For filling of system of cooling the mix of antifreeze made in due proportions on base этиленгликоля with soft water is usually used. The mix should show stability to freezing at temperatures to – 30°С, and at need and below, depending on a climatic belt of an arrangement of the region of operation of the car. Except frost resistance, antifreeze gives mixes anticorrosive properties and raises a point of its boiling. Oporozhneniye and washing of system of cooling should be made according to the schedule of routine maintenance of the car (see. Head of Control and routine maintenance of the car). Use of cooling liquid during longer term is fraught with different damages of system, development of corrosion and scaling. If tap water in the region where the car is maintained, is "rigid", i.e. differs the raised content of mineral salts, for formation of cooling liquid it is necessary to use the distilled or rain water. Before adding cooling liquid in system, check reliability of fastening of hoses of the last on the unions – antifreeze possesses high fluidity and is capable to give leaks through the slightest thinnesses. During normal operation of the engine cooling liquid is not spent, therefore appreciable falling of its level is a sign of development of the external leaks which reason should be immediately found out and eliminated. The exact composition of cooling liquid is defined by specific climatic conditions. Thus the content of antifreeze in a mix should not be lower than 50 % and rise above 70 % – address to the card of composition of cooling liquid which is usually put on a container label. Areometers for determination of specific weight (density) of cooling liquid can be got practically in any shop of automobile accessories. Try to use only recommended by manufacturers of the car of a grade of antifreeze (see. Specifications). |